What's New in This Users' Guide?
Back to manual
- Mar. 7, 2023
Section describing the Planning Tool added.
- Nov. 22, 2022
Re-wrote the section on Observing Constraints and Scheduling for clarity.
- July 6, 2022
- Moved some sections to Appendixes. Created new appendix describing the details of how periodic observations work within the NEID scheduling software.
- Apr. 1, 2022
- Performed a general clean-up of the documentation to better match the labels and function of the current Portal. Altered the section now relabeled Checking/Saving the Observation and Approval to describe the new observation check software. Added a description of the Copy Observation function to a section now relabeled Editing/Copying Existing Observations. Added a new section called Fixed vs. SNR-limited Exposure Times to describe how exposure lengths can be set to a specific exposure time or an SNR limit. Added a new section called Helpful Hints to contain miscellaneous items queue users should be aware of. Added a new figure of seeing measurements taken from the NEID guide camera.
- Jan. 20, 2022
- SNR Wavelength is now selectable in observation settings.
- Dec. 1, 2021
- NEID Queue Users' Guide published in web format.